Created a comic for the Wonkie cartoon blog for today after a short break from the cartooning over the last week. Given my background the topic is very close to my heart - education. In fact, it's on what I see as the failure of outcome based education in South Africa.
At first I thought it's because I grew up under and experienced the harsher traditional system that I feel the current system is to weak. Then reality set in when I was going through the graduate hiring process at my previous job. I won't go into the depth of the commentary here as I've covered in much detail on Wonkie.. but suffice it to say that school should replicate the real world environment as much as possible. Comparing relative to yourself is great if you want to be the Buddha, but if you need to survive in the real world and bring food to the table - OBE is just not going to cut it.
Racist South Africans
9 years ago